6 Steps to Clean a Fishing Reel: Bonus Tips and Tricks | Detailed Guide

Nobody wants to find out that their fishing reel ended up dirty. Your fishing reel requires regular cleaning to keep working efficiently and be long-lasting, similar to any other tool or piece of equipment.

But if you don’t know how to clean your fishing reel it may cause difficulties during your fishing trips.

That’s true! And to avoid such issues, we’re here to help you.

In this article, we’ve noted the best tips to help you clean your fishing reel. So, what are you waiting for? Jump into the post right away.

How to Clean a Fishing Reel

How to Clean a Fishing Reel?

Step 1: What you’ll need:

  • A toothbrush or small paintbrush
  • Two small screwdrivers
  • Toothpicks
  • Cotton swabs
  • Tweezers
  • Reel oil
  • Empty container
  • Soft cloth
  • Blow dryer

Step 2: Break down the Reel

The first thing to do is to take apart the reel. It could involve separating the spool, handle, and other removable parts based on the reel type.

Ensure you’re removing the pieces correctly. Check the maker’s directions.

Step 3: Clean the reel

Clean the reel with a fine bristle brush after removing it to remove any dirt, filth, or grit. Gently clean the components to prevent hurting any small or delicate bits.

Later, wet the cloth in warm soapy water and clean the areas.

Step 4: Grease the parts

After cleaning, all parts need to be greased. A small amount of reel oil is enough to grease the bearings, bushings, and other moving parts.

Avoid over-lubricating the reel since this might cause it to get sticky.

Step 5: Remake the Reel

It’s time to reassemble the reel after the parts are cleaned and greased. Proceed by attaching the handle and spool. Also, ensure all the pieces are attached.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to do so. Check that the reel is working and that the parts are firmly secured.

Read: What is an Inshore Fishing Rod

Step 6: Dry the Reel

After cleaning and reassembling the reel, put it in a dry, away from moisture location. It is recommended to keep it in a cool, dry place to avoid rust or corrosion.

Done! See it was so simple. Wasn’t it?

Now, just to lessen your cleaning burden, we’ve some additional tips and tricks that will make your cleaning process and fishing trips stress-free. Want to know about that? Just read the points below.

Some Extra Tips to Clean Fishing Reel

After every use, you need to wipe down the reel. It keeps dirt and debris from collecting and maintains the reel in great working condition.

While cleaning the reel, steer clear of strong chemicals. It may trigger the surface to get worse and the reel to break down.

During lubricating the parts, refrain from applying too much oil or grease. As a result, the reel may get sticky and gather dirt and debris.

If you’re not sure how to clean the reel, contact the directions provided by the manufacturer or an expert.

Wrapping Up

Keep your fishing reel clean to preserve its long-term value and performance. Your fishing reel will continue to serve you well for a long time if you take care of it. Have fun fishing!

About the author

Wayne Hooper
Wayne Hooper
I am Wayne Hooper Angler from Los Angeles, United States. I have been into fishing and angling stuff since 2013. What gave me a kick to becoming an angler is my love for aquatic life. I love beaches, Sailing, Kayaking, and Outdoor activities. additionally, I have also trained many students to fish on weekends.

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